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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Use Your Memories

I know, this sounds like a really obvious one but I never remember (haha) that my memories can provide a crucial filler for a lingering gap in a story, or perhaps just spark an idea. Everything we experience can be put towards our writing and for many people, it's second nature to hone in on the past. Most of us will find that, upon re-reading our work, we have subconsciously included things that have happened, big or small. Sometimes I feel hesitant to include a memory in case it's too personal, or there's a possibility that someone will recognise themselves (I'm a bit of a stickler for using real personalities because it helps to make my characters more real themselves) and be offended. 
Don't be afraid to make your writing personal because you will be more confident in the facts: confidence equals better writing. 

What do you think? comment below



  1. Oh, gosh. I probably subconsciously draw from my experiences all the time XD I think it's helpful :3

  2. I do it so much but I love it :)
