Are you struggling to write? Finding you don't have much to say? It happens all the time, whether you're suffering from the renowned writers' block or perhaps just lacking a little. Try timing yourself. During the months of NaNoWriMo, wrimos (the participants) have an entire forum dedicated to word wars, sprints and timed challenges because this stuff works. If you set yourself a goal, you're much more likely to actually do something.
Try WriteOrDie, a popular website for such use. You can choose how much you'll write, a time period to write within, your delay time and your punishment. The longer you don't write for, the darker red the screen becomes until it either emits an unpleasant noise or in the most vicious of settings, it will start deleting what you've written until you start again. Harsh, I know. That's why it works. It doesn't matter if what you write is rubbish; at least you're writing. You're getting the words down on the page and you'll have plenty of time to edit them later. Try setting yourself a ten minute timer, or longer if you've got a while with nothing to do, and see how much you can write. It might be that you fuss over little details and the timing stresses you out but for many competitive souls out there, timed writing is perfect because it brings out that sense of competition. "If you can write a thousand words in thirty minutes, you've won!" It doesn't matter that there's no real prize - it's reward enough that, even if you don't complete it, you'll have more words than you had before.
Give it a go. Set a timer in a quiet place and just write. You might be surprised with what you come up with.
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